Little Grey Heart

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❤︎ Welcome Back ❤︎

Welcome back to Little Grey Heart! I spent the last nine months planning a wedding, getting married, enjoying the first months of marriage, and traveling. It has been glorious. I was nervous to take so much time off from LGH, but I am so glad I did. Planning a wedding took way more time and energy than I ever could have anticipated. It was such a special day that meant more to me than anything I have ever done. 

After our wedding, we adopted two Boston Terrier rescues. Eleanor who is six and Fern who is almost 9. They are the sweetest, most adorable dogs. They couldn't be more obsessed with each other, and us with them. We feel like we hit the jackpot. 

We have also done quite a bit of traveling in the last nine months. I went to Palm Springs for a work trip at the end of January. It's so incredibly lovely there, and I'm always happy to connect with my coworkers. We went to Mexico in February for a family trip. Then we visited D.C., this spring, to celebrate Maggie's birthday and visit her Cousin Steph. We also took a quick trip to the beach from D.C. There is SO much to do, see, and eat in D.C.; three days certainly didn't feel like enough. 

This spring my cousins welcomed a new baby boy to the family, Will. My Cousin Kate and Baby Will are flying to Iowa in a couple of weeks for our annual family trip to Lake Okoboji. I can't wait to meet him!  He's the most precious little thing. He currently lives in Seattle, but my fingers are crossed we can help him fall in love with Iowa and move back. 

Through all of my adventures the last year I have been knitting the whole way. I've been making stuff for friends, family, and myself. So, I have a lot of new and exciting projects to share. 

This year I will be focusing on adult goods at Little Grey Heart, and I have some fun new accessories in the works. I am also hoping to be at several makers' fairs, and hope to see you all soon. 

Thank you all for your love and support over the last year. It means the world!