Little Grey Heart

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Fidra | Pattern Review

It felt like everywhere I looked on the internet everyone was knitting the Fidra hat by Gudrun Johnston. It turns out it was for good reason; it's adorable! So naturally, I wanted a piece of the action.

The pattern suggested Brooklyn Tweed Quarry, which I think is a great yarn. However, I had some Hikoo Simpliworsted in Totally Taupe (obviously, that is the yarn I use for my little grey heart hats). I went down a size with my needles. I cast on with an 8 and then used a 9 for the body. I didn't swatch and my hat turned out a bit tight for my head. I wish had used a 9 and 10. Not only was it small for my head, but it was knit tight. I have a friend with a small head, so I'll just gift it to her. :-)

The pattern was fun! It used knitting through the back loop a lot, which makes a stitch that is twisted and gives a subtle texture to the fabric. The pattern is written clearly and it uses a chart. I did have to keep checking the chart key because my short term memory is awful. 

It's a great pattern, and I completely understand why everyone on the internet is knitting it.